Monthly Archives: August 2010

Gyan centre: 2

“Thoughts become things…Choose the good ones.”
Ask me, and I’d say that the single most influencing factor which determines how your life turns out is your thought process.

This happens because of a Universal law called the ‘law of attraction‘. The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about – Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. Simply put, The kind of thoughts you think – that kind of person you become – that kind of life you live. Always remember that your thoughts are the first step and/or the primary cause of everything.
This law is as relevant and true as any other scientific law.It has been scientifically proven as well.
Not just your thoughts but ensure that the people you are around and the books you read are positive as well. Treat your mind like a fertile garden and wean the weeds before they grow. Research shows that on an average a human being thinks about 60000 thoughts in a day, and out of them 95% are repeats of what we thought the days before and most of them negative or thoughts of lack!! Can you believe that??
Come to think of it, in life we don’t have control over most of the things. Our mind is NOT one of them.

Ryan, if there was just one advice of mommy that you would heed to, I’d advice you to keep your thoughts always positive. Trust me son, you can become anyone you want to,can attain anything that you desire, can accomplish anything that your mind can conceive of – just hold on to an attitude which brims with positivity.

One year after…

The birthday was fantastic – so what if the number of people was not exponential?? The little one, to whom the day belonged had a blast.
The day started a tad bit early for late sleepers like us. First we visited a temple and then the church (advantage of being born to parents of different religion 🙂 )… Time just slipped past as we were busy in the last-minute party preparations. By the time we could sit and help our aching backs , the first guest had arrived!
Kids party started at 5 in the evening , had all the neighbouring kids around. As soon as that was done with, diners (elders, who had been invited for dinner) started coming. We had sumptuous Chicken biryani…Ryan was seen asking for papads from everyone, and squealed with delight on squashing them on the floor…Since the day belonged to the lil brat, we just let go of being strict and joined in his merry-making… though cleaning it all at the dead of the night wasnt that merry!!
The day completely belonged to Ryan,his Nana’s kheer and the yummy cake!
Heres wishing you have many more happy and fruitful birthdays to celebrate darling. Love you.

P.S: This post is dedicated to jeela.
Thanks for the support and love.

In a weeks time….

…Ryan is going to turn 1! Cant really believe that he will turn a year old! In some ways, the past year has flown by and in some others, it was tediously slow.
It’s an understatement to say that watching a child grow (especially your child) is fantabulous. It is also tiring and a god made test of your patience.
Every day of the last 11 months has seen some or the other development in Ryan. As I mentioned before, its been fantabulous. I remember Ryan as a day old infant – wailing to fill his stomach and soon after peeing it off !! From laying still to learning to roll over to sitting and then learning to crawl to standing and finally to this phase when he is walking confidently without support – the journey has been exciting and extra special…No other experience is as deep in intensity as my journey as a mommy. As the saying goes, “With a child, the mother is born”.
In a weeks time I am going to turn a year old mommy.Yipee!